Sins I believe are the poisoned fruit of fear, often helped along in alcoholics by false pride, shame and guilt. These defects are related to me being an alcoholic, they are intrinsic to my condition. I sin so naturally, effortlessly and usually without even trying. I believe my so-called defects of character are linked to my underlying emotional disorder of alcoholism. The magic of the the steps is that they seem to reveal the patterns of behaviour that our actions have prompted over the course of our lives. It helps us see ourselves and our condition of alcoholism and how it effects us and others. Keep in mind that this is separate from the physical craving.


However, you choose to interact with that higher spiritual malady is also up to you. Whether you seek to engage in formal prayer, informal mental conversations, or merely by doing good and putting positive energy into the universe, there is no right or wrong way to pray to your higher power. Once you open up to this idea and implement that spiritual connection, you will experience your long-awaited spiritual awakening, the answer to that pesky spiritual malady we suffer from as alcoholics. When the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous was written and published in 1939, the times and language of those times was incredibly different than modern times. This is one of the reasons that Big Book study groups have become so popular among recovering alcoholics. Apart from dissecting the Big Book so as to have a firmer grasp on the 12 Steps and program and in general, it also is designed to help us decipher the intricate language and wording used from a different time period.

What Do We Mean by Recovered?

This is why we need a satisfactory definition of what alcoholism and addition is? Rather than describing these conditions in terms of the manifest symptoms, i.e chronic substance abuse or, at times, vague “spiritual maladies”. So we have issues with emotions and somatic/body feeling states.


It is emotionally healthy to live in the day … in the here and now. Professional therapists teach people to live in the present. AA encourages members to share their experience, strength and hope with other members. It is emotionally healthy to accept our past experiences, however painful, as past events and move on to a richer, more fulfilling future. For many recovering alcoholics this may be another unpalatable truth, that they have issues with emotional responding, with being emotionally mature. If further validation is required I suggest a frank conversation with a loved one, wife, husband, child, parent, etc.

The psychology and neuropsychology of alcoholism, addictive behaviour and recovery.

It is in this essence of anticipation of the future, and what it is imagined to hold, that stops so many from living the purpose they were born to live. These illustrate how the 12 step programme can help with an emotion dysregulation disorder. What we used once to regulate negative emotions and a sense of self has eventually come to regulate our emotions to such an extent that any distress leads to the compulsive response of drinking. Alcoholics had become a compulsive disorder to relief distress not to induce pleasure. For me this section is saying our emotion dysregulation leads to feelings of being “restless, irritable and discontented” which prompt a return to drinking.

  • AA provides many ways of becoming more emotionally well, which ultimately means more emotionally mature.
  • We drink and set off the craving and the cycle of addiction starts all over again.
  • The basic tenet of this, is that it takes one alcoholic to help another alcoholic achieve sobriety.
  • Our desire and need to attain “a fully human and personal identity” is the focus of Merton’s concern.
  • Find Addiction Rehabs is not a medical provider or treatment facility and does not provide medical advice.

Thomas Merton lays a foundation for personal growth and transformation through fidelity to “our own truth and inner being”. Our desire and need to attain “a fully human and personal identity” is the focus of Merton’s concern. In steps 4 and 5 we listed wrongdoings to others and although initially petrified to share them with another, found that it wasn’t as difficult as we thought it would be, once you wrote down the worst top ten. These secrets are the emotional and psychic scars of our alcoholic past and they need to be exposed in order for us to fully heal.

December 21, 2020 by Burning Tree Programs in

The “spiritual malady” of the Oxford group seems enhanced in me, I believe I sin more than normal people because of my emotional immaturity and reactivity. My “loss of control” over drinking is also linked to emotion processing difficulties as it prompted impulsive, uninhibited drinking. 4 -7 and the amends to those people wronged in steps of 8 and 9 allow us to be completely free and in a sense reborn. Most of us were determined to take these secrets, these “sins” to the grave. Sorry for being so direct in this blog, it is a message of hope, there is a way to completely turn your life around. The spirituality of AA is exemplified in helping others, it creates a feeling of wholeness and connectedness with others. High sponsor involvement over time has been found to predict longer recovery . Sponsorship embodies the fellowship’s altruistic orientation, reflecting a “helping and helper therapy principle” . Sponsorship plays an important role in the recovery process.

I was the director in the drama of life and managing the world so I could get what I thought I needed to feel ok. Fear and resentment dominated my thoughts and I made decisions based on self which caused me harm and harmed others. When I accepted that the ‘spiritual malady’ was about my beliefs, thoughts, and emotions, I came to see that many of my own beliefs and thoughts on this subject were contributing to my disease. I had many old ideas and prejudices that had to be examined and released. Is describing, essentially is referring to a stark void in our lives that we constantly attempt to fill with outside things such as drugs, alcohol, sex, shopping, or anything we can think to try to feel better. It is the emptiness we feel on such a deep level that we turn to self-medication in order to alleviate the sadness and despair that go hand in hand with.