goodbye letter to addiction

And I’m able to watch my daughters grow older. Start goodbye letter to alcohol receiving support via phone, video, or live-chat.

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It’s exciting to envision what the future holds and what dreams you want to achieve. Through writing, you are also able to self introspect. Being mindful of thoughts, actions, emotions, and memories has been linked to lower stress and anxiety levels. Recognizing and treating addiction requires immense courage.

Writing a Goodbye Letter to Alcohol: Example and Worksheet

Touring for two years really informed how I made [this album]. When we went to tour those first two times, it was kind of tricky changing some songs. This time around, it was very intentional.

Building a Supportive Environment: Sharing Goodbye Letters

The silver lining to our relationship is that I am stronger than I’ve ever been. My relationship with you, Addiction, made me a trophy of grace. Relationships have been restored, and new ones have begun. I’ve said goodbye to relationships that held me back and hello to ones that push me to be the best version of myself.

goodbye letter to addiction

A Goodbye Letter to Addiction: You Felt Like One Of My Family Members

Addiction was the hardest relationship that I ever left behind, but it was the greatest thing I ever did. Eventually, I realized that I was wrong. You became the hardest relationship I have ever had to experience. You took almost everything away from me. Eventually, you took everything away from me.

goodbye letter to addiction

It was how I was treated that led me to think that I should pay attention to what they ask me to do. Thankfully I did, and I believe that’s what made treatment successful and led to long-term recovery. Recognizing those failures wasn’t enough though, my denial ran much deeper. I’d tell myself that my stress validated my drug use. I’d also surround myself with people who used more than me, so I could plausibly deny that my addiction wasn’t that bad. I will also apologize to those whom I have hurt because of how you influenced me.

goodbye letter to addiction

Dealing with Financial Stress in Recovery

  • The next part of the letter is where you will express your commitment to change from a place of addiction and chaos into a new, sober lifestyle.
  • Doing so can help you relate to others suffering from drug abuse and help you realize you are not alone.
  • This isn’t a letter that you are submitting for a grade in school.
  • “Fame Won’t Love You” is hardly the only song on the album where Hilton showcases an inspiring amount of soul-searching and personal growth, either.
  • I think my fans will appreciate the production, how it’s a little bit aggressive.

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  • I have more clarity than I’ve had in twenty years.
  • The journey to recovery is a long process.
  • I deserve to live free from your grip, and I am determined to find joy and peace without you.
  • Reach out as soon as possible, and let us say goodbye to addiction together.
  • The closing will be determined in both tone and substance.
  • Letter writing also helps you process and fully understand your experiences.

I just don’t think that’s as interesting. Yesterday I was listening to “Anti-Hero” by Taylor Swift nonstop, and that song is the opposite of being shiny and perfect. At first, “GODSPEED” was kind of about this relationship I was in. I wrote the second verse and more recently it ended up being this larger song about letting go of suffering and toxic relationships and people in your life. “GODSPEED” was probably the first song that I wrote for this album that made me think, “Oh, this feels like it’s going to be on the album.” Everything about it sonically set up the world for C,XOXO. Starting from “Never Be The Same” from my first album, I realized that my favorite songs are dark sonically.

My Goodbye Letter to Drug Addiction

As a father of four, Legend knows firsthand the role that music plays in parenting — and made a conscious effort to ensure that the album’s songs appeal to both kids and their parents. There’s even a personal touch on the album’s rhythmic lead single, “L-O-V-E,” which features background vocals from Tiegen and their two oldest children, Luna and Miles. “Now, in my life, I feel like I’ve been through so much. It’s been this whole journey, and I’ve just lived through so many different phases of my life,” Hilton — now a wife and mother of two — adds. “So I wanted to make this album something that was deeper and more introspective, and just celebrate everything that I’ve learned in life and reflect the evolution of who I’ve become.”

goodbye letter to addiction